The Science behind healing crystals: it’s all about your power

The science behind

healing crystals

Why should I wear Crytsal bracelet?

“Crystals are more than just stones,
they are gifts from the universe.”

The History of Crystals

Crystals are a product of nature, a natural mineral that has evolved over billions of years, accumulating a great deal of energy. 

These energies vibrate at specific frequencies, creating a unique magnetic field.

Because they grow in different environments, crystals also develop their different colors and shapes, like a river of sparkling stars from underground.

Why Crystals Can Boost Energy


Natural Vibrations

Crystals have unique vibrational frequencies that can help balance and enhance your body’s energy.


Belief and Mindset

Believing in the power of crystals can create a positive mindset, which can boost energy levels.


Ancient Practices

Many cultures have used crystals for centuries to heal and energize the body and mind.


Focus and Intention

Wearing crystals can remind you of your goals and intentions, helping to keep your energy focused and positive.

How Crystals Work

Energy Resonance

Crystals resonate with the body’s energy, potentially helping to clear blockages and boost overall vitality.

Emotional Support

They can help manage stress and emotions, providing a calming effect and mental clarity.


Crystals symbolize various qualities like love, strength, and protection, which can inspire and motivate.

Benefits of Using Crystals


Increased Energy

Many people report feeling more energized and alert.


Mental Clarity

Improves focus and decision-making.


Emotional Balance

Helps reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being.


Spiritual Growth

Can aid in meditation and personal growth.

Which Crystal Should i Choose

  • Clear Quartz: Versatile and amplifies energy, good for overall well-being.

  • Amethyst: Calms the mind, relieves stress, and promotes restful sleep.

  • Citrine: Known as the “success stone,” it boosts confidence and attracts positive energy.

  • Rose Quartz: Promotes love, compassion, and emotional healing.

  • Black Tourmaline: Protects against negative energy and helps with grounding.

Our GINNLI Crystal

To fully release the energy of each crystal and to influence the wearer calmly and stably, GINNLI carefully selects, matches, and professionally purifies each crystal which makes our crystal bracelets show the purest and highest energy state, helping the wearer to realize an efficient energy exchange.


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