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All GINNLI products are handcrafted  in USA by skilled artisans using carefully selected, high-quality materials.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track your package on the shipping carrier’s website.

We offer a 30-day return policy and 7-day free return for unused and undamaged items. Please contact our customer service team to initiate a return or exchange.

Yes, we ship to many countries worldwide. Shipping costs and delivery times vary based on your location.

Purifying your GINNLI bracelet is essential to maintain its energy and effectiveness. Here are some simple steps you can follow:

  1. Moonlight Bath: Place your bracelet under the moonlight overnight, especially during a full moon, to recharge and purify its energy.
  2. Sage Smudging: Pass your bracelet through the smoke of burning sage to cleanse it of any negative energy.
  3. Sound Healing: Use a singing bowl or tuning fork to create vibrations that will cleanse and recharge your bracelet.
  4. Crystal Clusters: Place your bracelet on a cluster of quartz or amethyst crystals for a few hours to rejuvenate its energy.


If your GINNLI bracelet breaks, it is a sign that it has absorbed and deflected negative energy, completing its mission to protect and support you. Don’t worry it’s not a bad thing!

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