How to Purify and Connect with Your Crystal Bracelet

How to Purify and Connect with Your Crystal Bracelet

It‘s time to increase your energy

Crystals are believed to hold and amplify energies, making it important to purify them regularly to ensure they are free from any unwanted energies. 

Here’s a quick guide on how to purify your crystal bracelet and connect with its energy.

4 Steps

Connect with Your Personal Crystal Bracelet

Step 1: Listen to Purification Audio

Visit our website and play the audio below.

Step 2: Set Your Intention

Hold the bracelet and silently state your wish for 10 seconds.

Step 3: Moonlight Charge

Place the bracelet on a windowsill and leave it overnight.

Step 4: Wear It With Mindfulness

Reinforce your connection with the crystal.

Purification Audio

How to Purify My Crystal Bracelet After


Sound Healing

You can still use our crystal purification audio above.
Let the sound waves cleanse the bracelet.


Moonlight Bath

Place the bracelet under the moonlight overnight.
This method is gentle and works well with all crystals.



Use sage, palo santo, or incense.
Pass the bracelet through the smoke, imagining it being cleansed.


Selenite Charging

Wearing crystals can remind you of your goals and intentions, helping to keep your energy focused and positive.

You may also need

Completely Smudging Set


Mysterious Sage censer box


Find Your Lucky Bracelet

Our GINNLI Crystal

To fully release the energy of each crystal and to influence the wearer calmly and stably, GINNLI carefully selects, matches, and professionally purifies each crystal which makes our crystal bracelets show the purest and highest energy state, helping the wearer to realize an efficient energy exchange.


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